Thursday 6 March 2008

That Film..........!!!!!!!

that film was terrible it should not of been able to come out on dvd never mind cinema!
That fil is an out rage i felt like walking out at the begging but i thought id give it the benefit of the doubt i shuld of gone with my feeling!
That person has got a perverted mind in my opinion!

What do you think?????


SM4eva said...

I went to see the film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (starring Tom Hanks) I would have left the cinema in the first few minutes had I not been stuck in the middle of an aisle and not want to disturb people. I wanted to leave because I couldn’t take all the mass killing and dying and bullets. I wanted to look away from the film in some parts. Just like maybe ‘Passion of the Christ’ – do we really need to see a film where Jesus is whipped and tortured for five hours? Maybe we did – maybe some people were ‘born again’ because of that film.
But just think – this shock tactic might be good for some people. There may have been some people in the audience who have been prompted to get themselves checked out at a clinic, there may be some who remind themselves to practice safe sex, and there were definitely parents who are going to be more vigilant...yes, you could have walked out, but just put it down to experience.... at least you didn’t have to pay to see it – sounds like you would have been asking for your money back!

$Lady T$ said...

your damm right i would of asked for my money back if fact i wouldn't of even gone to see the film had i known what it was about in the first place lol!
as for saving private ryan that film isn't that bad i understand what what your saying but compared to the film KIDS it's not that bad in levels of sickness to the brain like!

C said...

I find it quite interesting that you feel that outraged at watching the movie KIDS. I think that the film was relatively shocking as children as young as fourteen or fifteen had already contracted HIV. However I believe that I only found this shocking as HIV is not very common in the Western world anymore. Whereas in 1995 it was a more common and controversial topic. However I do believe that the film shows today’s society exceedingly accurately, drug abuse, rape, underage sex and violence are paramount problems in society today. Day’s like the one portrayed in the film happen on a day to day basis. In the real world days like this are common ones.

The period of childhood is becoming shorter and shorter which is very unnerving and intimidating. Would you be comfortable with your eleven year old child behaving and conducting themselves as you? I would find that extremely unsettling. It would be interesting to try and pinpoint why children today do not want to be children. Is it to fit in? But who are they fitting in with, the adults? Surely the adults do not want children to “fit in” to the mature world of harsh realities and responsibilities, but to enjoy and take pleasure in their time of freedom.

Did you find it shocking because it is a common occurrence or perhaps because someone dared to make a harsh reality into a picture? Most of us are aware of these issues but have never seen it with our own eyes. Did you not like it because it made you uncomfortable to watch it?

$Lady T$ said...

Its not that common it tends to be pregnancy's that are most common these days. which i still don't agree with but still. As for that film i can't pinpoint what it was exactly my problem with the film if it was adults i think i'd be able to cope with it slightly better but on slightly but that fact was it wasn't it was CHILDREN poor innocent children. Although today some children aren't that innocent but thats not the point.
As for if it was my child i would proberly flip my lid but clam down and talk to my child and get to the bottom of what was going on and talk to the child on a level.
I don't actually understand the fascination with children to wanting to be adults it doesn't make sense to me as being a adult is not what it's cracked up to be!
But that film was just i can't take it in how the boys can tlak and the girls listen to everything they say and believe what they say they are so naive its just plan old wrong on oh sooo many levels.
I just can't i have now words to say how i feel about that film.

$Lady T$ said...

Although the behaviour of those children maybe becoming more common you must remember that they are still in minortiy. The majority of children don't behave in this way. Remember the good things that children do are not reported in the news on the bad things sell papers.
Iv'e only bin out of school for a year so i think i'm still quite in touch with the way school children behave yes there was 1 girl who got pregnant at 17 but drugs and sex where certainalty not common place.
What horrified me was that there was somebody actually standing there filming children having sex and persumably directing there behaviour. The scripit would have been written and the children are directed to behave in that way for a camera that's whats so disgusting!!

Babii Nikki said...


$Lady T$ said...

Thats a big old pile of BS at the end of the day yes there maybe some kids that are like that these days but not most kids are like that.
So your tellin me your where comfortable watching YOUNG kids having sex and knowing that there was some kind of strange person standing there directing and filming those YOUNG kids on how they want them to have sex?!

Toni said...

I do agree the film was shocking but I think the directors main aim was to draw attention to and try and change the problem of underage drinking and sex!

Babii Nikki said...

No i didint once say that i enjoyed watching young kids getting bash, fair enough yeah some children doesnt act like that but majority of children do act like that. simple as, kids these days arent kids anymore, i dont see y u saying that what i say is a lot of bs its my view and clearly its different from yours. The director is clearly trying to show others how children are behaving now.

$Lady T$ said...

No i don't believe that the majority of kids these days act like that i sure as hell never went to school with kids that behaved like that don't know if u did bt i didn't!
This is what i meant by bs!
However i will agree that some kids these days don't want to be kids they all want to be grown up and although they may be grown physicaly mentally their still kids if u get me?
But yh thats your opinion and this is mine.

$Lady T$ said...

In response to toni yes i definatly agree that the film was shocking and in your opinion and yeah maybe the film was to point out those things but i still can't believe it i still don't think the film was fight plus on top of that there was some person standing their filming CHILDREN whom some where underage having sex! I think thats a problem!

Catherine said...

firstly I'd like to point something out to 'c' - there are more than 73,000 people living with HIV in the UK. This figure have TREBLED IN THE PAST 10 YEARS! and the numbr of people living with HIV, all over the world, is on the increase. So it is MORE COMMON nowerdays than ever before! (not less common like you said)

And to '$Lady T$' I think that making a film about that topic is a good thing. It is supposed to be shocking and make an impact on you (which is obviously has) and make you double think about putting yourself in that situation. If it wasnt realistic then it would not have so much of an impact on people and they wouldnt take it so seriously.

Catherine said...

See here for more infro - World Aids Day - HIV statistics

$Lady T$ said...

In repose to catherine your definately right that the film made an impact on me for whatever is my reason but my point is i can't believe that someone actually stood their and film 2 CHILDREN having sex in sorry but that's a deffinate no no!!!

Catherine said...

$Lady T$ - If those children who took part in the scene were below the legal age of consent parental permission should have been required for them to take part, and a parent would have been present at the filming. There is a strong possibility that those involved were actually above the legal age of consent and just dressed up to look older. It is not as if they were forced into doing it for perverse reasons, the situation will have been fully explained to them and I'm sure that they had the chance to opt out of it. They are actors after all.