Thursday 8 May 2008

Comment on nicketa's blog

$Lady T$ said...
I agree bullying is a sad thing and very wrong especially on the person being bullied as it can resort in them maybe commiting sucide and nobody should have to live like that!Bullys need to get a life!
08 May 2008 04:08

comment left on vida's blog

$Lady T$ said...
This film shocked me like you wouldn't believe!What got me the most is the fact that some grown person would have stood there and directed young children to have sex thats wrong on sooooo many levels!
08 May 2008 04:04

comment left of fatimas blog

$Lady T$ said...
I personally don't see any thing wrng with tattoo's i have 2 and the are very tasteful and my friends think so aswell. I think there nice in moderate sections but to any one who has more evreyone person to their own!
08 May 2008 03:59

comment left on dominiques bolg

$Lady T$ said...
Make me tell you, you was not as shocked as i was trust me! i couldn't believe it i coudldn't believe that some grown person had stood there and directed children having sex thats wrong in my eyes check out my blog u'll soon find out!
08 May 2008 03:54

Final blog

What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Social care and social policy
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
Not really
If so, how? And if not, why not?
but it makes me think about think more critically
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
At an appropriate level but the blogs situation needs to be outlined more as it is important
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes kind of
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Not that i know of
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
I don't really know i was good as far as i'm concerned
What did you think of the module team?
I think some of the lectures where boring the only classes i liked where marks 1st one on the confession anonmous and the tattoo lesson
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
No i like the big ones
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
I enjoyed that
Information and talk from lecturers?
That was ok
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
yes very much so
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
yes i think so
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Erm wouldn't bother me
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
yes i think so
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
yes i thought it was a really good module
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
i liked the short essay and i liked that fact i could chose what i wanted to do but as long as i got approval
What have you learned from the module?
To think alot more critically and not to judge
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The different lectures and finding out what may be classed as bad on society may not always be bad
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
the blogs can't stand them
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
No not really just get rid of the blogs please! hehe!

My response to catherine

$Lady T$ said...
In repose to catherine your definately right that the film made an impact on me for whatever is my reason but my point is i can't believe that someone actually stood their and film 2 CHILDREN having sex in sorry but that's a deffinate no no!!!
08 May 2008 03:12

my response to nicketa and tonis reply to my blog

$Lady T$ said...
No i don't believe that the majority of kids these days act like that i sure as hell never went to school with kids that behaved like that don't know if u did bt i didn't! This is what i meant by bs!However i will agree that some kids these days don't want to be kids they all want to be grown up and although they may be grown physicaly mentally their still kids if u get me?But yh thats your opinion and this is mine.
24 March 2008 18:34
$Lady T$ said...
In response to toni yes i definatly agree that the film was shocking and in your opinion and yeah maybe the film was to point out those things but i still can't believe it i still don't think the film was fight plus on top of that there was some person standing their filming CHILDREN whom some where underage having sex! I think thats a problem!

My comment back to c

Its not that common it tends to be pregnancy's that are most common these days. which i still don't agree with but still. As for that film i can't pinpoint what it was exactly my problem with the film if it was adults i think i'd be able to cope with it slightly better but on slightly but that fact was it wasn't it was CHILDREN poor innocent children. Although today some children aren't that innocent but thats not the point.As for if it was my child i would proberly flip my lid but clam down and talk to my child and get to the bottom of what was going on and talk to the child on a level.I don't actually understand the fascination with children to wanting to be adults it doesn't make sense to me as being a adult is not what it's cracked up to be!But that film was just i can't take it in how the boys can tlak and the girls listen to everything they say and believe what they say they are so naive its just plan old wrong on oh sooo many levels.I just can't i have now words to say how i feel about that film.
11 March 2008 00:34
$Lady T$ said...
Although the behaviour of those children maybe becoming more common you must remember that they are still in minortiy. The majority of children don't behave in this way. Remember the good things that children do are not reported in the news on the bad things sell papers.Iv'e only bin out of school for a year so i think i'm still quite in touch with the way school children behave yes there was 1 girl who got pregnant at 17 but drugs and sex where certainalty not common place.What horrified me was that there was somebody actually standing there filming children having sex and persumably directing there behaviour. The scripit would have been written and the children are directed to behave in that way for a camera that's whats so disgusting!!
11 March 2008 00:56

My comment back to sm4eva

your damm right i would of asked for my money back if fact i wouldn't of even gone to see the film had i known what it was about in the first place lol!as for saving private ryan that film isn't that bad i understand what what your saying but compared to the film KIDS it's not that bad in levels of sickness to the brain like!
09 March 2008 20:43

I sent this to Nicketa in reply to my film blog

Thats a big old pile of BS at the end of the day yes there maybe some kids that are like that these days but not most kids are like that.So your tellin me your where comfortable watching YOUNG kids having sex and knowing that there was some kind of strange person standing there directing and filming those YOUNG kids on how they want them to have sex?!

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Prostitution, now that's a topic!

Prostitution only has negative stigma such as, how can women go out their and have sex with men for money that's disgusting! But people don't know the reasons behind someone having to do that, not only that men do it to but its just not mentioned.

On top of that prostitution is actually legal which many don't know or don't believe or don't want to believe whats illegal is standing on street Corners for sex and trafficing for sex and brothels they are all types of prostitution which are all illegal.

Now isn't that food for thought?

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Shop Lifting

Again there is no need to shop lift enough money goes into the government to keep people on the dole so why should they shop lift there's no need to be too greedy with money.

The thing is although people may think oh its only a box of chocolates from a store they have to deal with there loss of produce and loss of money as someone would eventually buy that box of chocolates. There is a lot more to peoples loss than thieves think.

What do you think????

Monday 5 May 2008


There is no need for bullying i don't believe for whatever reason. A bullying is someone who has low self esteem of them selves and picks on others to make them feel better about them selves.

I believe that bully's should be picked on 10times hard than they pick on others because i don't think they understand how much of an impact they make on an individual people commit suicide because they are bullied.

They need to get a life.

What do you think?

Sunday 4 May 2008

Lying with integrity

I never thought that you could lie with integrity but you can its just a matter of lying positivly which is what i like to call white lies.

For example, when your out with your mates and one of your friend says "does my bum look big in this?" and everyone answers no even though they might think well yeah it does really. This is what i like to call a white lie where you may tell a lie to not hurt someones feelings.

This is the only time i believe people can tell a lie is to not hurt peoples feelings, other than that i don't believe anybody should lie.

What do you think??

Saturday 26 April 2008

Being too religious

How can you be too religious????

What is too religious????

Are the main two questions that keep poping up whenever i hear the saying "BEING TOO RELIGIOUS"

Any form of religious extremeism could be considered as too religious examples i can think of are, 'The Troubles' in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics during which people where maimed and killed.

Then there's the more recent muslim extremeist and their acts of terrism.

However i consider both of these to be political acts carried out in the name of religion.

What your opinion???

Armed Police man escorting young child to a Catholic school in a Protestant area or Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Monday 21 April 2008


Drugs......... what a very wide spread topic!

As their are the physical and mental effects to health from drugs, links between drugs and crime, the effects it has on the drug users family and friends and the cost to the health service.

Of course drugs have their proper uses I'm talking legal ones but their are also minor drugs such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol which again are all legal.

So in effect what is a drug??????

Monday 14 April 2008

Nasty Comedians 18+ only

Although so called nasty comedians can be funny i think that some of their material and language they use is very offensive.

For example Les Dawson his material is sexist and raceist however he is not as bad as Roy Chubby Brown becuase his material is alot more sexually explict than any ive seen before.

I would never go out of my way to go and pay to see them in a live show on stage. Would you?

If you are easily offended then DO NOT click on this link as it contains highly offensive material!

Monday 7 April 2008


Are tattoos art or mutilation????
Now that's a question.
Many would say that it is art where as others may say it is mutilation in either case its a form of expression to me.
The only problem i have with tattoos is that people in society judge you by the way you look which i think is unfair but reality and for those who have tattoos all over their face or big ones along their arm it must be even harder.

I think before people judge others by the way they look they should get to know a person first. what do you think?

Monday 31 March 2008


Bandits and outlaws are a group of people or a person who literally live their life on the outside of the law.

For example Bonnie and Clyde who robbed banks and killed anybody who got in their way and although he is fictitious Robbin Hood who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.

Now the problem is Bonnie and Clyde robbed banks for their own personal gain and killed any who got in their way which in my eyes is evil and selfish where as the fictitious Robbin Hood robbed from the rich to give others a better life so although he may be called a bandit or an outlaw i think he did good.

What to you think????

Sunday 30 March 2008


I really want to know peoples views on adultery? Because as much as i know its wrong and as miuch as i no it can break peoples marriages, homes, lives and mentally scar children if their involved. I can't help but wonder if in some cases its ok to so????
what do you think?

Friday 21 March 2008


Smoking i reckon is a bad habbit as its addictive, harmful to health, makes smokers smell and the people they smoke around and its expensive and the price is still going up.

However many others especially smokers would think otherwise or may say they know they should quite but find it hard.

What your view????

Thursday 6 March 2008

That Film..........!!!!!!!

that film was terrible it should not of been able to come out on dvd never mind cinema!
That fil is an out rage i felt like walking out at the begging but i thought id give it the benefit of the doubt i shuld of gone with my feeling!
That person has got a perverted mind in my opinion!

What do you think?????

Monday 3 March 2008


Masertbation is right or wrong and is it healthy?

Well to some masterbation is healthy and to some its not. And then again to some its ok to do and to some its not.

But at the end of the day who are we to judge if people want to masterbate then everyone to their own as long as its not out in public no problem.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Where would you like to go?

Where would you like to go on a field trip?
Sound American saying field trip lol!
But in any case there are many places we can go as a gruop but where can we go where we all will have fun and everybody will feel comfortable?

I suggest New York for the weekend.

Any other suggestions.....?